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Player Information

Julia Formentin
Grosse Ile, Michigan
Grosse Ile HS
Recent Graduate, Class of 2015

Overall Record: 4-9 #465 on This Week's Recruiting List
March 14-15, 2015
Laurel Hill Swim & Tennis Club, Toledo, OH
Girls' 18 Singles
Complete Results
Round Wins Losses Score
32   Olivia Kompa (290) 6-1;6-0
1 Abigail Ciucci (999)   6-1;6-2
2   Jennifer Skonieczny (330) 6-2;6-4
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11/30 Alexandra Riley chooses Wooster
11/28 Kaveh Taheri chooses UC Davis
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Full Listings: Boys' Commits & Girls' Commits


Page updated on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 2:35:25 AM
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