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Girls' Class of 2010 - Seniors As of Monday, 10/5/2009

3-Star Athlete
Caroline Emhardt

5-Star Athlete
Alexandra Leatu

4-Star Athlete
Rebekah Jenkins

5-Star Athlete
Gaia Sanesi
View:   Blue Chip   5-Star   4-Star   3-Star   2-Star   1-Star

Blue Chip RecruitsPrint List  
Ahn, Kristie U Saddle Riv NJ
Anghelescu, Alexandra Johns Creek GA
Begley, Elizabeth Houston TX
Belaya, Maria Melbourne FL
Bolender, Brooke Delray Beach FL
Capra, Beatrice Ellicott City MD
Cercone, Alexandra Seminole FL
Christian, Kaitlyn Orange CA
Clay, Alexandra Grayson GA
Clayton, Mary FtLauderdale FL
Dolehide, Courtney Hinsdale IL
Fuller, Kate Suwanee GA
Gelber, Emily Scarsdale NY
Gibbs, Nicole Manhattan Beach CA
Hamilton, Nida Oak Brook IL
Jerjomina, Alina FtLauderdale FL
Kahan, Rachel Unionville CT
Kimbell, Lilly New Braunfels TX
Macfarlane, Mary Anne Ogden UT
Mar, Hanna Burr Ridge IL
McHale, Christina Englewood Cliffs NJ
Niu, Belinda Portland OR
Peretz, Caryssa Cherry Hill NJ
Rogers, Shelby Charleston SC
Scholl, Chi Chi Pompano Beach FL
Seideman, Blair Glen Head NY
Smyth, Lacey Oceanside CA
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Page updated on Sunday, May 02, 2010 at 2:49:21 AM
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