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Blue Chip Tracy Bound for Buckeyes

J.J. Tracy grew up as a fan of Ohio State athletics, yet the 17-year-old blue chip was careful not to let that affinity influence his decision to join the Buckeyes.

“It's obviously great that I can play for the team that I supported, but that wasn't the most important reason in my decision,” said Tracy, who chose Ohio State after also considering Texas and Baylor.

J.J. Tracy will be Signing with Ohio State
© Zoo Tennis

“After my official visit, I knew Ohio State was the place. I just loved it. The team was great, lots of energy there, great coaches. Obviously, great facilities. I think the new place will be ready right when I get there in the fall.”

That new facility, christened the Ty Tucker Tennis Center in honor of Ohio State’s director of tennis and men’s head coach, acknowledges Tucker’s efforts in building the Buckeye programs, and Tracy recognizes the advantages of training under one of the country’s top coaches.

“I think he can push me to be the best I can be,” Tracy said. “That was one of the things that really drove me to go up there, knowing that I'll get a great practice session every day and he'll push me as hard as I can be pushed. I want to be the best that I can be, play high in the lineup as soon as I can. I want to try to go pro after and I think Ohio State's a great place to do that.”

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Page updated on Tuesday, February 04, 2025
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