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Spotlight Players of the Week - Laurel Utterback, Andrew Koessler

SPOTLIGHT ON Laurel Utterback (North Canton, Ohio)


Music on your playlist: Either country or rap. There is really no in between.

Dream vacation destination: Probably Switzerland just because it seems really cool really different.

Favorite food: I love chili and noodles. They are my go to.

Favorite athletes: I have always loved Roger Federer ever since I first started watching him play.

Future occupation: I definitely want to go into the medical field and I am thinking about studying neuroscience and I want to minor in Spanish and travel to Spanish-speaking countries as well. I had a unit in my anatomy class on the brain and neurons and I thought it was way more interesting than I expected it to be. It seems like a really fun and interesting field to go into, even though it will be difficult.

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be: Roger Federer. He is my all-time favorite athlete and I think it’s so neat how much his physical and mental game improved from when he first started playing tennis. He always sets a great example both on and off the court for his children and I would love the opportunity to talk to him.

Must-watch TV show: Glee, Friends and Gilmore Girls

Favorite movie: I love and hate scary movies. I just watched The Notebook for the first time and loved it. Then, any World War II movies. I am very interested in that. I took U.S. History last year and we talked about that and I have watched a few documentaries as well.

If I am not playing tennis, I am … at Swensons with my friends. I am there every weekend. That is our go-to hangout spot and it’s just so much fun and so laid back.

Instagram handle: @laurel.utterback


SPOTLIGHT ON Andrew Koessler (Boise, Idaho)


Music on your playlist: Rap for sure. I really like Drake and J. Cole.

Dream vacation destination: I would probably go down to Australia.

Favorite food: Pasta.

Favorite athletes: Dwyane Wade and obviously I love Federer.

Future occupation: Probably a psychologist. I took an AP psych class this last year and had a really good teacher (Kelly Gosner) and I really got into it. I like learning how the mind works.

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be: Stephen Hawking, to hear about his theories about our world and the universe.

Must-watch TV show: The Office

Favorite movie: Remember The Titans

If I am not playing tennis, I am … probably sleeping to be totally honest. It’s not interesting, but all I do is eat, sleep and play tennis.

Instagram handle: @Andrew.Koessler

**Homepage photo of Laurel Utterback courtesy of Scott Gerber, OhioTennisZone.com


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About Rhiannon Potkey

Rhiannon Potkey is a veteran sportswriter with more than two decades of experience in journalism. Potkey has covered many sports at many levels and has a passion for finding great stories. Potkey has covered the U.S. Open, junior sectional and national events, college conference championships and Davis Cup matches. Potkey is currently Content Strategist for Tennis Recruiting. You can reach Rhiannon by email at [email protected].
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Page updated on Monday, March 11, 2024
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